Chef Aman Razdan
Owner/Executive Chef
Executive Chef and Owner Aman Razdan has been in the Culinary Industry over 30 years. Growing up in India in the culinary business alongside his brother-in-law Janna Suvarna. who let Aman follow in his footsteps. Together they had great success in business in Mumbai. Aman never refers to Janna as brother-in-law, just brother. Family is family, whether your Father, Mother, Sister or Brother there are no further titles necessary in his family. He is accomplished in global inspired cuisines, due to an enormous exposure to many cuisines, giving every dish a special set of ingredients that make them stand out. He also possesses skills in dietary needs due to having experience in hospital settings as Regional Chef. Furthermore he has great skills in large banquet and catering which has been demonstrated in the hotel industry. He is a very accomplished, hard working man and always proud of his team including his core team who have been with him the longest. Aman’s greatest culinary accomplishment is having two sons, Simon and Arion working along side him as up and coming skilled Chefs who never stopped following in his footsteps from birth to career. His youngest child is Mikhaela who is 12 and is interested in the family business too. She picked out the vines and flowers for the interior walls and used color theory to put them together. Chef Aman has been well supported by the Quad Cities community and is grateful for all their support. He tries his best to provide his support to the Quad Cities community through donations and dinners. So when Chef Aman says everyone is his family, It is an absolute fact.

Armando Ruiz
Sous Chef
Has been in the industry for 20 years. His passion for food and the guests push him every service. He started his career at Red Crow Grille at that time it was one of the only fine dining restaurants in the Quad Cities and is proud his career has lead him back to Hemispheres Bistro and now Plus Saporis. “Working beside Chef Aman has taught me so many things where I can grow my career and creativity as a Chef.”

Simon Razdan
Chef De Cuisine
Simon Razdan is the eldest son of Chef Aman, working beside him from the age of 14 starting in dish washing to Chef De Cuisine of Plus Saporis and Sous Chef of Hemispheres Bistro. “There is nothing more important to me in life than family, and I am thankful everyday I get to come in and work with my best friend and brother Arion, as well as my father. Ever since my elementary school I have strived to become a chef after seeing my father perform for many years. I am proud of the amazing things he has accomplished for not only my family but for the community as well. I will do my part to carry on the torch of his legacy.”

Arion Razdan
Grande Manager
Arion Razdan is the youngest son of Chef Aman and has worked with him since his young age of 15 alongside his eldest brother Simon who he follows full heartedly. “ All my life from a very young age I have idolized, and looked up to my father. I remember throughout grade school whenever teachers or guardians asked what I wanted to be when I grow up I always answered with being a chef just like my dad. Not only is he a esteemed chef, an artist of cuisine, a charming man, he is a father someone could only wish to be. To me he is a man that I could only hope to be compared to, and a man I strive to be.”

Jose Trigueros
Pastry Chef
Jose Trigueros has been in the industry for over 10 years. He is our pastry chef here at Plus Saporis and also a team member at our sister restaurant Hemispheres Bistro. His favorite thing to eat is orange chicken, favorite thing to bake is croissant. His inspiration comes from his love of making people happy, he’s always enjoyed the smiles on faces and happy moments when food is involved . He loves working for Chef Aman because he gives him room to learn and grow, treats me as a family member and guides him through every step that is needed.

Todd McQuillan
FOH Manager
Todd McQuillan has been in the hospitality industry for over half his life, but has truly found his home in fine dining. Todd has worked for Chef Aman for almost 10 years and has a true passion when it comes to guest service and caring for his staff. Todd has a true understanding of all things family and it shows with his staff and guests.